This week's 5 Fandom Friday from The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick is "Fandoms You Love But Didn't Think You Would".
1. Marvel
This one may come as a shock for anyone who follows me here or on other social media. I really didn't get into the whole Marvel Universe until after The Avengers started playing on HBO or Starz or something like that. I really liked it and started going through the previous films (still do not care for the Iron Man films because I just don't like Gwyneth Paltrow).
By the time Captain America: Winter Soldier came out I was a full fledged Marvel fan.
One of my first fandoms was one that I overlooked for years. I think I mistook it for a military show instead of a sci-fi show. Luckily I am a James Spader fan and one day watched the original film. Then I realized I was missing out. I managed to slowly buy all the DVDs and catch up to the series. In fact I wore camo capris to my first Trek Expo. This was before I even knew about cosplay.
3. Outlander
I had the first book given to me but I never read it. I had it on my book shelf for years before I eventual traded it in to a used book store. Cut to many years later and the Starz series comes out. Well hello Jamie Fraser!
After seeing the first series I went out and bought the books.
I love that is it part historical fiction and science-fiction. Also having a strong female lead, like Claire, is something I really like in series. The whole damsel in distress is so overdone.
Unfortunately I had to discontinue Starz and HBO this year and I will not get to see the new season anytime soon. I am on Jamie withdrawal.
4. Downton Abbey
I am still not certain how I managed to miss the first few seasons of Downton Abbey. I watch PBS fairly regularly. It seems like the rest of the world was talking about this show but I never watched it.
I eventually rectified this mistake and managed to enjoy all the majestic glory that is Maggie Smith with the rest of the world.
5. Game of Thrones
I never read the books. I had no idea what this show was about. But the build up was so big and everyone was talking about it so I thought I would watch an episode or two and see what all the fuss was about.
By the end of the first season I was hooked. Now I consider Arya my spirit animal.
Again I won't get to watch this season because I don't have HBO right now. Excuse me while I go and cry.
I need to try to get back into Downton Abbey. Everyone I know loves it, but I was kind of apathetic after season 1.