Once again we tried to make our own take on something we saw on Pinterest. We may never learn.
This time we made "Flower Tarts"
Using pie crust we cut flowers shapes with a cookies cutter. We then very carefully placed this thin flower shapes into a mini cupcake pan. This was not easy. We had to push the middle of the flower shapes down into the cupcake, for lack of a better word, holes.
This sometimes resulted in tearing, which resulted in frustration.
After the pie crust had baked a new challenge presented itself. Because of the shape and thinness of the pie crust the "petals" kept wanted to break off. Getting these to the cookie rack was just step one. Placing them into individual cupcake paper cups was close to a Herculean task.
Then came the lemon curd...which we made from scratch. While it was delicious, it was a massive pain to make. It required straining, lemon zest and a whole slew of minor steps just to make a single batch.
Thankfully we opted for canned Cherry filling for the other Flower Tarts.
These looks so cute and taste really good. But the work that went into these cause many a fight between me and my mom.
We were just frustrated. So many tarts did not survive this process.
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