Tuesday, December 1, 2015

November Wrap Up

November is over. It has been a tough month again. Nothing horrible happened this month but everything from the past few months still has us fighting to stay afloat. 

Let's start off with something great...I won a prize pack from Crimson Peak! Including a Hiddleston Funko Pop, Crimson Peak shirt and an autograph card including Tom Hiddleston, Mia Wasikowska, Jessica Chastain and Guillermo del Toro's autographs. So happy to have won this!!!

My friend is having a baby. For some strange reason I am now the maker of all baby quilts within my social and familial circles. I actually have no idea what I am doing when it comes to making these quilts. My great-great aunt used to make the quilts for the family and when she got too old to do it my her daughter, my grandfather's cousin, made all the quilts. Still not sure how this fell into my lap, but it has. Unfortunately no one actually taught me how to make these so I just fly by the seat of my pants. I never know if these quilts I make will fall apart after I give them away.

The Office
I ended up watching The Office Us on Netflix simply because it kept being recommended. I really did not think I would like it...I kind of love it now. Same thing that happened with Parks and Recs. Shows that I passed on repeatedly only to fall in love with much later. Sometimes the shows that become your favorites are the ones you've overlooked.
Both The Office and Parks and Recs have the absurd sitcom aspect but with deeper emotions underneath.

A Long Way Down
When life gets you down, sometimes the best thing to do is find an escape. I go for tv and films. On a particularly bad day I watched this film, A Long Way Down. Four people meet when they all end up on top of a building to kill themselves. Sounds pretty depressing for a film. Nope. It is all about finding reasons to live.
Not a film for everyone, but I really enjoy it.
(In the same vein as this film but I don't think it is on netflix, On The Edge with Cillian Murphy. Dark but hopeful.) 

Geez, what a depressing end to this post. I blame the weather, cold and raining. 

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Faux Foodie- Eton Mess

Since life is strange right now, I have nothing relevant to post right now... so instead a re-post/edit of one of my favorite desserts ...