Monday, June 15, 2015

The Dragon's Loyalty Award and 7 Facts

My fellow Placebo and IAMX fan Gaby from Whimsy and Noir nominated me for the Dragon's Loyalty Award. Us Geeky Girls with great music taste stick together.
I would have written this earlier in the week but I have been without power off and on. 

The Rules:
  • Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Acknowledge the blogger on your blog with a link.
  • Share 7 things about yourself that other bloggers might not know
  • Nominate up to 15 other bloggers for a Dragon's Loyalty Award, linking to their blogs and notifying them.
  • Copy and paste the award somewhere on your blog
I'm going to nominate Cate from Cateaclysmic and Kendall from Distracted Blogger

And now onto the 7 Facts
  1. I didn't like Frozen. I prefer Brave and Tangled of the newer Disney Films
  2. I can play guitar, piano, clarinet and bass clarinet. 
  3. No matter how long I go between acting parts I will always consider myself an actress.
  4. I  went through a grunge phase in elementary school but by then grunge was over. Also the only flannel I had was pink and blue. So Alternative...not
  5. Shirley Manson is my style icon but I could never pull off anything she wears. She is just cool.
  6. I can sew and have made several quilts. I am basically an old woman.
  7. I am an only child but I have so many cousins that I never felt like I didn't have siblings. I just didn't have to share as much.

1 comment:

  1. Placebo, IAMX, and Shirley Manson FTW! I'd like to sew a quilt, but I don't know if I have the patience... Lol.


Faux Foodie- Eton Mess

Since life is strange right now, I have nothing relevant to post right now... so instead a re-post/edit of one of my favorite desserts ...