Monday, June 23, 2014

DIY Cat Scratching Pad

I am in another round of home improvement hell.
One of the upsides is the leftover cardboard boxes. DIY Time!

My cat, Juliet, has been going after my fairly new London-centric rug I love and that needs to stop. So I found this recycled cardboard project on another blog that looked like something I could do.
After cutting up on of my bigger boxes into somewhat uniform pieces and grabbing some duct tape, I began.
Pretty early on I realized this was going to take much longer that I thought. 

I don't want to say how long this took. I am probably slower than most because I'm a picky perfectionist. Anyhow after some time and many cardboard cuts, I finished it. 
I was so excited to show Juliet. 
After all that time and effort...
she couldn't care less.

Oh Jules, my ninja kitty, never change. 



  1. OMG! Juliet looks like a spitting image of my late Misty. Give 'em time. They'll get to it. :)


Faux Foodie- Eton Mess

Since life is strange right now, I have nothing relevant to post right now... so instead a re-post/edit of one of my favorite desserts ...